
It's You - Chantal Chamberland


【爵士女伶】It's You - Chantal Chamberland

选自Chantal Chamberland发行于2006年的专辑《Serendipity Street》。

加拿大爵士女声Chantal Chamberland(香朵), 1965年出生于蒙特利尔;早期做为民谣摇滚歌手在酒吧演唱,后转型为爵士歌手。她融合摇滚与爵士的独特唱腔,圆熟醇厚,馥郁香浓,又带有淡淡的烟熏味道,像一杯陈年的威士忌。

《It's You》

It's you who walks through the door every night
It's you who can smile and light up my life
It's true that you make me complete
I could find happiness in a bottle of wine
I could sing every night in room full of strangers
Who don't really know me the way you do

It's you who believes I can do anything
It's you who feels my heart and makes me who I am
It's true that you be here for me
I could find happiness in a bottle of wine
I could sing every night in room full of strangers
Who don't really know me the way you do
I could find happiness in a bottle of wine
I could sing every night in room full of strangers
Who don't really know me the way you do
I could find happiness in a bottle of wine
I could sing every night in room full of strangers
Who don't really know me the way you do
It's you

